Blood Tests
If you are advised by the Doctor that you need a blood test these can either be done at the surgery or you can attend the hospitals listed on the form. You will be given a leaflet advising how to book at the hospital. The opening times at the hospital are also listed.
Blood tests taken at the surgery are done by the phlebotomist and you must tell the receptionist it is for a blood test, when booking the appointment. IF YOU ARE ADVISED THAT YOU NEED A FASTING BLOOD TEST this means that you cannot have anything to EAT OR DRINK apart from water for 12 HOURS before the test.
Smear Tests
These are used to screen for cervical cancer. By detecting this early it can be better treated. women will be sent reminders for regular smear tests once over the age of 25. Routine smear tests would be every 3 years until the age of 50, after that it will be every 5 years. Smear tests are usually performed by the nurse.